Sunday, August 9, 2009

My life

Holy Crap it has been a long time since I've blogged about anything. But oh wait!!! No one is even reading this so who really cares right?! Which makes me wonder, why am I writing this in the first place? And the answer is: I have no clue. Just need someone to talk to and right now its the computer. How sad is my life. Speaking of that dramedy, i'm going on a mission. I'm going to California Roseville. I leave August 26th so in about two and a half weeks. Pretty darn stoked, won't lie. Missions are great. I love the Church. I mean, if I didn't, why would I spend two years of my life?! I'm not that stupid. I just hope I can share with at least one person my love of the gospel and help save their life and their soul. So thats whats happening in my neck of the woods (Thanks Al Roker).