Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Really?! What is with the weather this year?! I don't know if I'm over anxious for summer or something, but it seems to me that this weather is a little out of control. I feel like Mother Nature has over-stepped her bounds and must be controlled. I realized we're in utah, a very loving state, which is why I think Mother Nature feels she can just do whatever she wants. But I think its time to take a stand. Now your probably thinking, what can we do? I'll tell you what we can do. Just ignore her. Lets give Mother Nature the silent treatment. I'm certain she only keeps "giving" us these storms because she likes the attention she gets. So I call for a mass silence on anything pertaining to weather. Now this may seem quite over the top, but i'm serious, I know it'll work. We need the all weather persons to be silenced and put in solitary. Every weather section of the paper to be burned immediately. However, she will just not go alone. Finally, we need to found a weather station in the mountains. At some campsite in the Uintah Mountains. Maybe trial lake. And they should talk about the snow they get and that is it. Only weather and complete praise of Mother Nature. That way, she'll get drawn to the mountains and just leave us alone. I think that is a great idea. Mother Nature is just another person like you or I, so we should manipulate her so.

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