Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Practical Jokes

So I've always been a joker. I like making people laugh and I think people should just laugh more. I think everyone should just not let things bug them, get over it, and laugh about it. Since I'm a joker, I love practical jokes. Those are like the king of all jokes. If you have a a practical joke that takes a while to plan out and even longer to execute, but works like a charm, I look up to you greatly. I love thinking of practical jokes. I'm never sure how the jokes will end, so I don't do some of them just because I don't know the law so I could end up in prison only because I didn't know it was illegal. Now don't worry I don't do things that I know are illegal, like a start a brush fire right in front of a house or anything. I also avoid, like the plague, jokes that the sole purpose is to hurt someone. Thats not who I am, so I don't do it. Those aren't jokes, thats just mean. But anyway, today I was walking into school and I saw a cop and he pulled into a parking space in front of me. As I walked by I really wanted to stop in front of his car, look at him and then just make a break for it, like I had done something bad and I wanted him to chase me. And when he ultimately caught me (yes he was a fit cop) i'd just laugh because I didn't do anything wrong. It would be really awesome if at the same time like someone stole a book or something so people were shouting at the cop because something went wrong. But in the end, I didn't do anything and just acted like it. I think that would be awesome.

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